peer-designed by pharmaceutical management professionals
▶ disegnato da professionisti del management pharmaceutico
▶ von Experten im Pharma-management entwickelt

peer-designed by pharmaceutical management professionals

quick logging of territorial activities with GPS assistance
▶ permette la registrazione veloce di attività territoriali con GPS
schnelles Registrieren von territorialen Aktivitäten mit GPS

quick logging of territorial activities with GPS assistance

▶ monitoring of time spending for activities
▶ monitoraggio del tempo impiegato per attività
▶ Beobachtung des Zeitaufwands der Aktivitäten

▶ monitoring of time spending for activities

central repository of medical inquiries
repositorio centralizzato di richieste di informazioni mediche
Zentralregister aller Medizinisch-wissenschaftlicher Anfragen

central repository of medical inquiries

CREATE - what's that?

CREATE - what's that?
CREATE - che cos'è?
CREATE - was ist das?

CREATE is a web application, featuring a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software as well as a tool for the monitoring of time spending related to activities. CREATE is peer-designed by pharmaceutical management professionals and beta tested by a medical/marketing team for more than two years. It is tailor-made for geographic monitoring of typical medical and marketing activities such as face2face (FTF) visits and hospital staff meetings (HSMs). CREATE also builds a central repository of medical queries (MQs) as a valuable support for quality assurance. The system is GPS-assisted for quick logging of territorial activities, which are represented on an interactive map.

CREATE is a web application, featuring a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software as well as a tool for the monitoring of time spending related to activities. CREATE is peer-designed by pharmaceutical management professionals and beta tested by a medical/marketing team for more than two years. It is tailor-made for geographic monitoring of typical medical and marketing activities such as face2face (FTF) visits and hospital staff meetings (HSMs). CREATE also builds a central repository of medical queries (MQs) as a valuable support for quality assurance. The system is GPS-assisted for quick logging of territorial activities, which are represented on an interactive map.
CREATE è un CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software, disegnato come Web App, che oltre alla gestione del territorio permette anche il monitoraggio del tempo dedicato alle attività. CREATE è stato sviluppato da esperti nel management farmaceutico e testato per più di due anni da un team medico/marketing. E' stato quindi tagliato su misura per la gestione territoriale di attività come visite (FTF) e hospital staff meetings (HSMs). Oltre a questo, CREATE costruisce anche un unico repositorio di tutte le richieste medico-scientifiche (MQs) come valido supporto per la gestione qualità. Il sistema si appoggia al GPS dello smartphone per la rapida registrazoine delle attività territoriali, che rappresenta su una mappa interattiva.
CREATE ist eine online CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Web-App die es auch ermöglicht, den Zeitaufwand für relevante Aktivitäten zu messen und zu beobachten. CREATE wurde von Experten im Pharma-management entwickelt und über zwei Jahre von einem Medical Marketing Team getestet. Es ist deswegen maßgeschneidert, um typische Aktivitäten wie Besuche und Besprechungen in KKHn geographisch zu monitorieren. CREATE fungiert ausserdem als Zentralarchiv für Medizinisch-wissenschaftliche Anfragen. Das System ist GPS-unterstützt und zeigt alle territorialen Aktivitäten auf einer interaktiven Landkarte an.

OK, how can I test it?

OK, how can I test it?
OK, come posso provarlo?
OK, wo kann ich die testen?

CREATE is a closed system for cybersecurity reasons, relevant operations do function only when linked to a previously checked e-mail account. In order to have access to a fully working DEMO-version and/or for more information, get in touch with us. To have a very preliminary view on CREATE, you can click on the icon below and type the password 'CREATE' when prompted. PLEASE NOTE: hospital-data is real but names and surnames of contacts as well as activities have been RANDOMLY generated. Should there be any match with really existing people, this is pure coincidence!

CREATE is a closed system for cybersecurity reasons, relevant operations do function only when linked to a previously checked e-mail account. In order to have access to a fully working DEMO-version and/or for more information, get in touch with us. To have a very preliminary view on CREATE, you can click on the icon below and type the password 'CREATE' when prompted. PLEASE NOTE: hospital-data is real but names and surnames of contacts as well as activities have been RANDOMLY generated. Should there be any match with really existing people, this is pure coincidence!
CREATE è un sistema chiuso per motivi di sicurezza, tutte le operazioni rilevanti funzionano solo se collegati ad un account e-mail precedentemente verificato. Per avere accesso ad una versione DEMO pienamente funzionante o per avere più informazioni, contattateci. Per avere invece una visione preliminare di CREATE, clicckare sull'icona in fondo ed utilizzare la password 'CREATE' per entrare. ATTENZIONE: gli ospedali nel sistema sono veri, mentre nomi e cognomi sono stati abbinati in maniera CASUALE. Qualsiasi corrispondenza con persone realmente esistenti è pura coincidenza.
CREATE ist aus Sicherheitsgründen ein geschlossenes System, alle relevanten Operationen funktionieren lediglich, wenn sie mit einer vorhergehend überprüften E-mail Adress verbunden sind. Um zu einer vollwertigen Demoversion Zugang zu haben oder mehr Informationen zu erhalten, uns bitte kontaktieren. Um eine ersten Eindruck von CREATE zu bekommen, auf untenliegende Ikone klicken und das Passwort 'CREATE' eingeben. BITTE BEACHTEN: alle Krankenhausdaten sind real, aber sämtliche Namen und Nachnamen von Kontakten und Aktivitäten MIT ZUFALSSGENERATOR erzeugt. Die reale Existenz von in CREATE enthaltenen Kontakten ist reiner Zufall!